That Weird Feeling
Are you familiar with that feeling? Where you are frustrated for no known reason, irritated by everyone and everything around you, feels like you want to shut yourself from the world outside AND online for a good amount of time and run off somewhere far away? Same.
If you are here thinking I’m going to give you a series of solutions or advice on how to overcome this feeling then you are absolutely wrong. I don’t know how to do that myself. This is more like me typing off the random thoughts that are running through my head. Because right now I’m going through this feeling and I want to steam it off somewhere. Plus having not written anything for a long time has been bothering me so much as well so here we go I guess. I want this piece of writing to be raw so I’m not even going to proofread this. Therefore, you might not find this to be a well-organized article.
Anyways, back to the topic, friends do reach out to me and tend to give some pieces of advice and what not but sometimes, sometimes they are not just enough you know. Like, yes I know, you are trying to help me out here and I really appreciate that but I am going through this phase where I can’t exactly explain what I’m feeling. This is also that phase where you don’t want to talk to anyone but you don’t want them to not check up on you either, right? I mean, obviously, it feels REALLY REALLY good when people check up on you. Trust me on that. Many people wouldn’t show it but it is the truth. I constantly check up on my close friends because it makes me feel good too. Who wouldn’t want to love someone and who wouldn’t want to be loved? It’s like the most expensive thing people possess yet most of them are too greedy to give it away.
So what do I do when I am in this weird phase of having an unexplainable feeling, or feelings? I would feel like I want to scream into an abyss but in reality, that is impossible so I scream on my Twitter account. Pretty sure most of my followers and friends think I am doing it for fun? Jokes on you folks, I am not. Let’s just say it’s my way of coping with my stress. Does it help me? I can’t exactly say that either, but it sure does feel good when people make comments on it, quote tweet it with some weird references, or even make jokes about it. There have been times when I scream on my Twitter and when people make all sorts of funny comments I’d actually be laughing out loud or smiling at my phone genuinely for a few minutes, forgetting all the weird feelings in my mind. Those little moments of happiness and laughter are what boost our energy to keep doing what we are doing. I think it’s an acceptable fact that people as in whole by being nice, funny, and engaging can make someone’s mood or even their day a whole lot better.
I think I have said enough, feels as if I might go entirely out of topic if I let my thoughts wander too much. However, there’s probably nothing for you to gain from this whole article. Maybe you might have wasted your valuable 3 or 4 minutes by reading this, or maybe you might have slightly related yourself here and there.
Nevertheless, if you made it to the end, just know that there's someone out there who is always looking out for you. It may be God, it may be your family, your friends, or even a complete stranger from the internet. Just know that you’re always loved ❤.