One Word
One word becomes two
Two words become three
Three words become a sentence
A sentence becomes a rumour
A rumour becomes a news
A news is made public
Public gets panicked
Panicked are the fools
The fools are a group
A group supports politicians
Politicians try to bend the rules
The rules maintain an order
An order keeps the law
The law enforces discipline
Discipline is no more
No more sane humans
Humans have no shame
Shame how they’re divided
Divided by the races
Races make them hopeless
Hopeless is the nation
The nation during a crisis
A crisis that kills lives
Lives should be protected
Protected together united
United we should stand
Stand together and fight
Fight for humanity and rights
Rights to bring back peace
Peace to bring back happiness
Happiness to enjoy life
Life to engage with everyone
Everyone to create a beautiful world
A beautiful world for a better future
A better future for the next in line